A Photographic Project by Mark Lobo

BNE is a photographic project documenting the webs of inspiration and relationships that interweave Mark's adopted home city of Brisbane, Australia.

It began with capturing the portraits and stories of those who sparked Mark's own interest and imagination - subjects drawn from each suburb of Brisbane. However, as the images were exhibited across the city it became apparent that each of the subjects chosen were connected in one way or another.

Fascinated by this emerging illustration of 'six degrees of separation', so apparent in a place like Brisbane, Mark decided to evolve and develop the BNE project into something more ambitious. Rather than just focusing on his own personal inspirations, Mark asked each of his subjects to select the people who spurred them to greater creativity, allowing for the inclusion of not only those that inspired himself, but others too. He continues shooting and telling these stories, ravelling out a web of inspirational relationships that encompasses this growing river city.

Still in progress, the current set of images for the project can be found here: The BNE Project

For more information on the project, contact:
Mark Lobo Photography